Adrenalindub Session #1
The Adrenalin Dub Session #1
OBF (CH-Geneva) powered by Good Bass Sound System (FR-Béarn), Friday 21/08/2020, 20:00 – 3:00

Friday 21/08/2020, 18:00
The sound system (@goodbasssoundsystem) is set, Rico from OBF visits the bridge, the volunteers are ready and the pressure is building … the right pressure, adrenaline!
Friday 21/08, 21:00
300 festival-goers, good sound, good food, good beer, the energy of the park, in short, the right mix that goes well and that we all love.

AdrenalinDub Session #1

Friday 21/08/2020, 23:59
It moves, it dances, it laughs, it is indeed a success, sheer madness !!
Saturday 22/08/2020, 03:00
But … is it already over ?? No worries, we understood that we had to start over quickly !!
So stay tuned, the next is for sure happening in 2021 😉.
We love you! 🙏